Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

TRUSS featured in Open Access Government

1 Jan 2019
Home/TRUSS featured in Open Access Government

Open Access Government (www.openaccessgovernment.org/) featured an article about TRUSS in the pages 206 and 207 of their 2019 January edition.  This issue contains a number of high-quality articles on government policy issues from all around the world, including health and social care, research and innovation, education, transport, environment, energy, ICT, blockchain innovation, government, as well as legal affairs.


In the article reproduced in the pdf below, the project coordinator, Arturo González, addresses the need to make infrastructure safer as it continues to experience an increasing rate of deterioration. The original article as published online can be found in this link.


Most recent issues from Open Access Government have above 200,000 reach and 50,000 engagements. The readers of Open Access Government cover a wide audience across public and private sectors, including 68,974 readers from Research & Innovation & HE, 41,736 from Local Governments, 14,357 from, Central Government, and 8,000 from Transport. To avail of this level of exposure, a TRUSS banner directly linked to TRUSS website has been made available in the right-hand side of the Education and Research page of Open Access Government and on relevant articles during 12 months from September 2018.

TRUSS banner in Education and Research Page (Open Access Government)

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