Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

Training in FE modelling of composite materials

Simulia Services, Vienna (Austria), 5-7 September 2016
Home/Training in FE modelling of composite materials

Sofia Antonopoulou (ESR1) is carrying out sophisticated finite element modelling to gather a better understanding of the impact of braided FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) on reinforced concrete. For this purpose, she attended a specialised course on how to model composite materials using Abaqus finite element software in Vienna (Austria) from the 5th to the 7th September 2016. The 3-day course consisted of 11 lectures combined with 10 practical workshops. The selection of the finite elements at the FRP-concrete interface is particularly relevant to capture the debonding failure accurately. With this knowledge, she will build FRP numerical models calibrated with experimental results, that she will subsequently use to assess gains in strength and stiffness due to FRP, and to address the brittle behaviour resulting from bond failure and FRP rupture in many loading scenarios.

The course was imparted by Simulia Services and it covered the following topics:

  • Using detailed modelling of the microscopic behaviour to determine the behaviour of composite materials
  • Defining anisotropic elasticity with Hookean models for combining the fiber-matrix response
  • Defining composite layups using Abaqus/CAE
  • Defining discrete or layered reinforcing within an element using rebars, membrane elements and truss elements
  • Achieving the correct material orientation of the layers of composite shells and solid elements
  • Modelling sandwich composite structures and stiffened composite panels
  • Modelling progressive damage and failure in composites
  • Modelling delamination and low-cycle fatigue of composite structures
More info about the course can be found in Analysis of Composite Materials with Abaqus website
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