Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

Fifth doctoral degree in TRUSS

Dublin (Ireland), 22 Mar 2019
Home/Fifth doctoral degree in TRUSS

On Friday 22nd March 2019, Farhad Huseynov (ESR7) became the fifth TRUSS ESR in successfully defending his doctoral thesis in front of an examination panel appointed by the Postgraduate Committee at University College Dublin (UCD). The thesis, titled “Bridge Condition Assessment Methods Using Rotation Measurements”, was supervised by Prof. Eugene OBrien from UCD, Dr. David Hester from Queen’s University Belfast and Prof. James Brownjohn from Full Scale Dynamics Limited. The defence was held in meeting room G99 of Civil Engineering in Newstead Block B. The jury was composed by Prof. Tim Ibell (External Examiner from the University of Bath), Dr. Jennifer Keenahan (Internal Examiner from UCD), and Dr. Shane Donohue (Chair from UCD). Following TRUSS, Farhad Huseynov will start to work as Senior Bridge engineer for RPS (www.rpsgroup.com) in Cork (Ireland) in April 2019.

The main research contributions by Farhad during TRUSS are summarized in the abstract of his thesis given below.

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