Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network

Other Communications

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Other Communications 2018-08-11T18:06:44+00:00

Among other communication channels envisaged in TRUSS ITN, it is worth to mention:

  • This website, probably is the vehicle of greatest impact. It currently has more than 160 pages with information for the public/wider community about the project’s aims, activities and material available (e.g. outreach in primary, secondary and high school education, material for stakeholders, etc.), as well as highlighting the ongoing work. There are also external links to ESR’s blogs, to their publications made available in repositories, and to other websites containing info of interest. By November 2017, the website had been visited by more than 17,000 new users with more than 30,000 sessions averaging 3 pages per session and 3 minutes per session.
  • Wikipedia has become one of the main sources of consultation by students and in some cases, professionals. A link to TRUSS is available within the list of examples of Marie Skłodowksa-Curie Actions in wikipedia page.
  • Brochure: 4000 brochures written in an easy-to-understand language has been produced for distribution in local events such as Open Days (to school students and graduates) in the Universities participating in the consortium, at national workshops and international symposia.
  • Articles in newspapers, newsletters and magazines. The communication offices of the partners is utilised to the full to help with placement of articles about TRUSS ITN.
  • Multimedia releases: High-quality presentations and videos are made available to the general public through TRUSS SlideShare and YouTube channel. Currently the channel features 22 videos, including interviews to each ESR where they explain their background, the advantages of an ITN, the objectives of their projects and the impact and benefits for society.